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Monday, January 4, 2010

sleep. my lovely best - and worst - friend.

Sunday morning, which some will refer to as yesterday morning and others as this morning, depending, I went to sleep at maybe 3 or 4am. I woke up at 10 when my phone's alarm incorrectly went off. Went back to sleep. I woke up again at Noon when my family returned from church (I don't know if they didn't wake me up to go or just tried and failed). I went back to sleep. I woke up again, finally, at 2:32pm via a call from one of my favorites.

And now, at 4:00am, I cannot sleep.

I like to sleep, to get my rest. I enjoy being able to sleep, considering the restless semester I just left behind. But damn. This is a bit much.

And then...I have a 1/4 day long meeting tomorrow with my executive board. It's at 2. I have to get up in the morning and curl my hair because I can't show up on campus looking all kinds of crazy. That's kinda okay during the semester because things get rough sometimes. But during the break? Nah. So I know that's gonna take at least 2.5 hrs. I wanted to leave the house at Noon to go talk to financial aid and print things for the meeting. I doubt that's gonna happen. If it should, then I should be curling by 9:30. Including makeup, food and getting dressed? 8:30, maybe even 8:00. When did I become such a girl?

So now, if I even fall asleep, I'll get 4 hours. Most certainly not a good look.

So now what?

Guess I'll finish watching cartoons...The Flintstones is coming on soon. *kanye shrug*